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Peking University

综合类 本科 院校代码:10001


  研究领域: 资料同化、数值天气预报、中尺度动力学
  Research Interest
  Data assimilation
  Ensemble forecast
  Numerical weather prediction
  Mesoscale Meteorology
  Educational Background
  Texas A&M University, Atmospheric Science, Ph.D., 2007
  Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Meteorology, M.S., 1994
  Beijing University, Atmospheric Science, B.S., 1991
  Professional Experiences
  2008.6 – present Research Professor, Peking University
  2009.1 – 2010.7 Visiting scholar, Pennsylvania State University
  2007.6 – 2008.5 Postdoctoral fellow, Texas A&M University
  2004. 6 Student visitor, National Center for Atmospheric Research
  2003 – 2007 Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant, Texas A&M University
  2001 – 2003 Associate professor, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences
  1995.1–3 Visiting scholar on numerical prediction of tropical cyclones at the Japan
  Meteorological Agency, Tokyo, Japan
  1994 – 2001 Research assistant, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences
  1991 – 1994 Graduate research assistant, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences
  00416810 (graduate): Frontiers in Atmospheric Sciences, 2012 spring, Organizer. Peking University,China.
  00405592 (graduate):Severe weather and forecasting, 2012 spring, Instructor. Peking University,China.
  00416750 (graduate):Numerical model and simulation, 2011 spring, Instructor. Peking University,China.
  00416750 (graduate):Numerical model and simulation, 2009 spring, Instructor. Peking University,China.
  ATMO203 (undergraduate): Weather Forecasting Lab, 2007 spring, Instructor. TAMU, USA.
  ATMO603 (graduate): Quantitative Methods in Atmospheric Sciences (Atmospheric Modeling andData Analysis), 2005 fall, Teaching Assistant. TAMU, USA.
  ATMO455 (undergraduate): Numerical Weather Prediction, 2004 fall, Teaching Assistant TAMU,USA.
  Academic services
  Associate editor of Monthly Weather Review
  Member of the Expert Team on Severe Monsoon Weather of the WGTMR/Monsoon Panel
  Convener of Mesoscale Meteorology and Typhoon Committee of AOGS
  Convener of Weather and Climate Data Assimilation and Ensemble Forecast Committee of IAMAS/IUGG
  Member of China Committee of THORPEX
  Member of Typhoon Committee of China Meteorological Society
  Member of Numerical Weather Prediction Committee of China Meteorological Society
  Reviewer of Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, Monthly Weather Review, Weather Forecasting, The
  Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, etc.
  Journal Publications
  22. Wu, D., and Z. Meng, 2012: On the movement and mesoscale surface structure of a squall line on 23 April 2007 in Guangdong. Journal of Natural Science of Peking University, Submitted.
  21. Wu, D., Z. Meng, and D. Yan, 2012: The predictability of a squall line in South China on 23 April 2007. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Submitted.
  20. Meng, Z., F. Zhang, P. Markowski, D. Wu, and K, Zhao, 2012: Numerical investigation of the rear
  inflow jets and bowing processes within a squall line over South China on 23 April 2007. Journal of
  the Atmospheric Sciences, 69, 1182-1207.
  19. Meng, Z., and Y. Zhang, 2012: On the squall lines preceding landfalling tropical cyclones in China.
  Monthly Weather Review, 140, 445-470.
  18.Meng, Z., and F. Zhang, 2010: Limited-area ensemble-based data assimilation. Monthly Weather
  Review, 139, 2025-2045.
  17. Gao, S., Z. Meng, F. Zhang, and L. F. Bosart, 2009: Observational analysis of heavy rainfallmechanisms associated with severe tropical storm Bilis (2006) after its landfall. Monthly Weather
  Review, 137,1881-1897.
  16.Gao,S, , Meng Z., G. Yang, 2009: Study on the predictability of the recurvature of typhoon Matsa
  (0509) in Bohai, Meteorology Monthly, 35(2),8-14. (in Chinese)
  15. Zhang, F., Y. Weng, Meng, Z., J. A. Sippel and C. H. Bishop, 2009: Cloud-resolving hurricane
  initialization and prediction through assimilation of Doppler Radar observations with an ensemble
  Kalman filter: Humberto (2007). Monthly Weather Review, 137, 2105-2125.
  14. Meng, Z., and F. Zhang, 2008: Test of an ensemble-Kalman filter for mesoscale and regional-scale
  data assimilation. Part IV: Comparison with 3DVar in a month-long experiment, Monthly Weather
  Review, 136, 3671-3682.
  13. Meng, Z., and F. Zhang, 2008: Tests of an ensemble Kalman filter for mesoscale and regional-scale
  data assimilation, Part III: Comparison with 3DVar in a real-data case study. Monthly Weather
  Review. 136, 522-540.
  12. Meng, Z., and F. Zhang, 2007: Tests of an ensemble Kalman filter for mesoscale and regional-scale
  data assimilation, Part II: Imperfect model experiments. Monthly Weather Review. 135, 1403-1423.
  11. Hawbliztel, D., F. Zhang, Z. Meng and C. A. Davis, 2007: Probabilistic evaluation of the dynamics
  and predictability of mesoscale convective vortex event of 10-13 June 2003. Monthly Weather
  Review, 135, 1544-1563.
  10. Zhang, F., Z. Meng and A. Aksoy, 2006: Test of an ensemble-Kalman filter for mesoscale and
  regional scale data assimilation. Part I: Perfect-model experiments. Monthly Weather Review, 134,
  9. Zhang Shengjun, Xu XIangde, Wu Qingmei, and Meng Zhiyong, 2004: Four dimensional data
  assimilation of wind profiler observations obtained from “China Landfalling Typhoon Experiment”,
  Quarterly Journal of Applied Meteorology, Vol. 15, B12, 101-109.
  8. Xu Xiangde, Weng Yonghui, Meng Zhiyong, Zhou Mingyu, 2002: A study on the mesoscale
  convection in a torrential rain event in Wuhan-Huangshi in July 1998, Chinese J. Atmos, Sci., Vol.26,
  No.6, 845-856。
  7. Meng Zhiyong, Xu Xiangde, Chen Lianshou, 2002: Meso-scale characteristics of the interaction
  between TC Tim (9406) and mid-latitude circulation, Acta Meteorologica Sinica, Vol.60,
  6. Meng Zhiyong, Chen Lianshou, Xu Xiangde, 2002: Recent progress on tropical cyclone research in
  China,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.19, No.1,103-110.
  5. Meng Zhiyong, Xu Xiangde, Chen Lianshou, 2002: TBB-nudging four dimensional data assimilation
  method and simulation experiment on “7.20” heavy rain process in Wuhan in 1998, Chinese J.
  Atmos, Sci., Vol.26, No.5, 663-676.
  4. Meng Zhiyong, Xu Xiangde, Chen Lianshou, 2001: A kind of tangential wind profile for strong
  tropical cyclone and its contribution to abnormal tropical cyclone track simulation, Chinese J.
  Atmos, Sci.,Vol.25, No.2,193-199.
  3. Chen Lianshou, Meng Zhiyong, 2001: An overview on tropical cyclone research progress in China
  during the past ten years, Chinese J. Atmos. Sci., Vol.25, No.3, 420-432.
  2. Meng Zhiyong, Xu Xiangde, Chen Lianshou, 1998: Mechanism of the impact of induced cyclone
  system around Taiwan island topography on tropical cyclone unusual motion, Chinese J. Atmos, Sci.,
  Vol. 22, No.1,79-92.
  1. Meng Zhiyong, Nagata Masashi, Chen Lianshou, 1996: A numerical study on the formation and
  development of island-induced cyclone and its impact on typhoon structure change and motion,
  Acta Meteorologica Sinica, Vol. 10, No.4, 430-443.

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